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Coopération Internationale

Type Date de Signature Objet de la convention Organismes Pays Région
Cadre 2020 Mobilité EC et doctorants, sc huamines etsociales , exchange of faculty for the purpose of teaching and research; exchange of student New york university U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2019 Formation et Formation doctorale en médecine vétérinaire(Equine) LE FOUNDOUK AMERICAIN U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2019 Mobility of academics, researchers, technical-administrative staff and students; Joint PhD degrees .Areas:veterinary medecine, Health (global Health, Avian infectious diseases , Parasitic Diseases)Seafood safety with especial reference to shellfish, and Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Activity North Carolina State University U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2018 Food,Agriculture , RNE, short-term exchanges to advance faculty, staff and student educational development;joint research, development and application projects,Exchange of research scientists, faculty, graduate and undergraduatestudents, and technical staff , joint lectures, conferences, transfer of technology ; The 1890 Universities Foundation U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2017 Joint research and educational activities, exchange of faculty for research, exchange of graduate and undergraduate students for learning, research, and internship. Southern Illinois University Carbondale U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2015 exchange of faculty and scholars for short-term and funding long term visits,joint seminar,building curicculum development,design of collaborative research projects North Carolina State University U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2010 Développer la coopération académique, exchanges faculty and scholars, joint doctorate supervision Uinversity of Arizona U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2010 Confidential exchange of certain information (novus animal feed products ) Novus international INC-Missouri U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2010 Mobilité étudiants Office of public health and science U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2009 Appui institutionnel pour le renforcement des capacités d'étude et de recherche dans le cadre programme FABRI Université du Missouri -Columbia Food and agricultural policy research institute FAPRI U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2009 Echanges académiques,stages d'étudiants Regent of University of Minnesota college of food,agricultural and natural resources sciences College of Veterinary Medicine U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2002 Veterinary Medicine,Graduate education,Animal Health,and Student and other allied fields, faculty exchanges ,joint research and educational programs and research contracts. North Carolina State University U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2001 Réalisation en commun de programmes de recherches et de développement,Mise en place de stage de Formation Continue à l'IAV,excécution en sous traitance des études et des missions de spécialistes. Société chemonics international INC-Washington U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 2000 Creation of natioanl observatory on drought and other proposals as project needs and areas identified. Ministry of agriculture, rural developpement,and fisheries National Dorought mitigation center-University Nebraska U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 1997 Appui institutionnel pour le renforcement des capacités d'étude et de recherche dans le cadre programme FAPRI Tuteurs de l'Université du Missouri-Columbia Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 1993 Create the foundation upon which collaborative research training and other mutual programs can be established Institut national de la recherche agronomique Soll management collaborative research support program U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 1993 The purpose is to describe the arrangements etablished and agreed to by IAV and UM for the Support of faculty and administrative exchanges between the two institutions. University of Minnesota U.S.A Amérique
Cadre 1991 mobilité étudiants college of natural resources - Utah state university U.S.A Amérique