Call for Scholarship Applications 2020/2021 Télécharger
As part of the “In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Program” DAAD in close collaboration with the GIZ assisted program “Strengthening Advisory Capacities for Land Governance in Africa (SLGA)” is able to offer scholarships for postgraduate studies within the Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA)”. The program is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) within the framework of the special initiative “One World – No Hunger”.
NELGA is a partnership of leading African universities and research institutions with proven leadership in education, training and research on land governance. Currently NELGA has more than 50 partner institutions across Africa.
Its overall objective is to promote good land governance by strengthening human and institutional capacities for the implementation of sustainable and development-oriented land policy in Africa.
The target group for scholarships are graduates from Africa with a first academic degree who want to pursue a Master’s or PhD course in their home country (so called In-Country scholarships) or in another African country (In-Region scholarships).
It has been agreed upon that DAAD cooperates with IAV by offering up to 6 scholarships for Master and PhD studies at IAV for the intake 2020/2021.